Read about the courses that we offer on our class descriptions page.
Lessons will be held in the instructor’s private studio in Park Slope. Please be respectful of our property and to our neighbors when coming and going from the building.
There is a no-shoes-indoors policy in our studio.
A cat and a dog live on location.
The location is up three flights of stairs and there is no elevator.
At the end of the semester, we have a recital so that we can meet in person and play the pieces that we’ve been working on. All recitals this year are located in the Great Room at South Oxford Space. The recital is not mandatory, but a fun way to share your progress with your friends and family.
We are running very limited class sizes and request that you give us 24 hours notice if you have to miss a class.
If you miss a class without giving notice, we will assume that you have dropped the class and offer your seat to a person on the waitlist.
Virtual Options
We are offering virtual class options via Zoom.
Each week students will receive supplemental materials to practice at home sent via email or attached to the calendar invite.